Every day I hear talk about being politically correct and how careful we must be to avoid offending this group or that group, but what about the rest of us? What about those of us who are offended by all the things being done to protect the crybabies who claim to be offended by what used to be business as usual in the United States? I think it’s fitting for the gal who keeps a blog called, “The Politically Incorrect Mom” to speak up and talk about what I find offensive. In fact, it’s not only fitting…it’s way past due.
I’ll give one small warning before I get started. If you are a namby-pamby, tree hugging, vegetable eating, purpose driven liberal…walk away. You are about to be offended and I don’t give a flying hanukwanzimas, nor do I have any immediate plans to apologize.
In 1975, black people, white people, Hispanic people and gay people watched Archie Bunker and thought he was funny. Why? Because he WAS funny! Today, you could be arrested for a hate crime because you don’t happen to believe people are “born gay” and you have the audacity to speak your mind about it. Well, guess what? As a Christian who believes the Bible is literally true – I’m offended when I hear people say that God created them to be gay.
In 1975, we sang just as many songs at the Christmas pageant about the baby Jesus as we did about Santa Clause. The children of people who didn’t believe in God didn’t get offended and pull their kids out of the pageant. They put up with the manger songs, just like my mother put up with the flying reindeer songs. In my neck of the woods, there were very few Jewish people. We knew about Hanukah because we learned about it in school (yes, that’s right – we actually learned about religion in school). We didn’t sing songs about Hanukah because we didn’t know any. Nobody got offended. Nobody felt excluded. Today, schools are changing the words to “Silent Night”. They’ve completely eliminated the baby Jesus from the season and do you know what? I’m offended!
In 1975, it would have been considered more than offensive to refuse to say the words “Under God” while reciting The Pledge of Allegiance. I’m not sure what the consequences would have been, but I’m sure they were bad. Nobody ever brought it up because it would have been unheard of to change the words. It was also unheard of to exclude the words, “so help me God” from an oath. We sang “God Bless America” in music class and we said, “God Bless You!” when someone sneezed. We had a moment of silence after reciting The Pledge of Allegiance in the morning in case anyone wanted to say a prayer.
Today, my daughter must refrain from referring to God (unless, of course, she chooses to use profanity, in which case it’s her right to express herself). The teachers are not allowed to wear any jewelry that can be interpreted as religious symbolism, so they must leave their cross necklace at home. IF, however, 16 year-old Billy wishes to wear his swastika jewelry or perhaps his shirt bearing an up-side-down cross and the number 666 – he is well within his right to express himself in that way. If you guessed that this offends me – you guessed right!
In 1975, we watched the movie “The Ten Commandments” at school. Today, you won’t find as much as a copy of them on the premises. As a Christian, this offends me!
When I was in junior high, the school board struggled with whether or not to allow the book, “The Catcher In The Rye” in the school library. Today, your first grader may come home from library day with a book entitled, “Heather Has Two Mommies”. Also in junior high, my mother had to visit the school the day we watched a movie about entering puberty and “becoming a young lady”. Today, I have to worry whether my daughter’s middle school will decide to hand out a survey, without my knowledge, asking my daughter how many times each day she thinks about having sex. And as I should be, I am extremely offended!
In 1975, a real memorial was a tribute to good people. Today, there are people trying to deceitfully honor evil men who murdered innocent Americans on September 11, 2001. I am not ashamed to say that the murderers, their religion of hatred, everything they stand for and the sick architects planning this memorial offend me!
In 1975, the Sears catalog showed pictures of underwear that didn’t contain actual bodies in them. Today, I can’t turn on the television without seeing Tyra Banks or Heidi Klum strutting down a runway in nothing but the latest undergarments from Victoria’s Secret. Is it any wonder that my twelve year-old daughter is already worried about body fat? This offends me!
In 1975, it didn’t matter what church you entered, be it Catholic, Presbyterian, Pentecostal or Baptist – people heard real Scripture. There was no Hawaiian shirt wearing hippie selling a “feel good Gospel” loosely based on Scripture so as to draw people in without offending them. As a GOD fearing Christian – this offends me!
There’s more and more and more and more…
But, guess what folks? I’m not going to boycott Target. I’ve never seen anything on their shelves that wasn’t garbage anyway. I’m not going to write a letter to the ACLU, because they’re too busy representing perverts and terrorists to read my letter. Instead, I’m taking back what the ACLU, the fanatical liberal left and every other group that represents every evil thing in this country has stolen from me and from my children. Let’s face it…we’re all sick to death of ALL OF IT and there is no organized boycott or letter writing campaign that is going to make it go away.
I’m mad as hanukwanzimas and I don’t care if you’re offended. The Bible tells us that if you’re living right – you WILL offend people and that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is not palatable to everyone – but it’s TRUTH nevertheless. So, in the spirit of CHRISTMAS – I’m on a mission to celebrate like it’s 1975 again!
- I’m going to say…no, SHOUT “Merry Christmas” to everyone I see and I might just add a “God Bless You!” for good measure.
- If you say something offensive, I’m going to ask you not to open your mouth in my presence again.
- If you wear something offensive, I am going to ask you to stay away from me and my children until you learn how to dress like a respectable person.
- If I get a catalog in the mail offering offensive merchandise, I’m going to run it through the shredder and send it back.
- If the school gives my daughter offensive material, I’m going to show up at the next school board meeting and the next one and the next one until my family receives an apology. Same goes for anyone telling my daughter that people are born gay or that we evolved from monkeys.
- If you try to preach your “man-made Gospel” to me, you’ll hear me say, “you better get on your knees and get out your Bible!”
- If you change the words to a Christian Christmas carol for the school program, I am going to write a letter to the editor of the local newspaper to call attention to your stupidity.
- If I hear you say the Pledge of Allegiance and you don’t say it right, I’m going to embarrass you.
- If the National Anthem is played before a ball game and you do not remove your hat and at least pretend to know the words, I’m going to embarrass you.
To the conservatives – you can write letters and stay away from Walmart/Target/Kohl’s if you want. But if you really want the America we once knew…TAKE. IT. BACK.
To the worms who continue to whittle away at the very foundation of this country - If you offend me – I’m going to tell you I’m offended! In fact, I’m going to tell you so loudly and so boldly that you’ll be embarrassed you ever set foot across the path of this SUV driving, meat eating, pro-life, anti-ACLU, gun owning, Politically Incorrect Mom!
I’m takin’ it back!
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At 6:17 AM, December 15, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Oh man ... Tell it, sister!
At 8:26 AM, December 15, 2005,
Neo-Con Tastic said…
I got goose bumps. You know the sad part is, the majority of us feel the same way but the minority is getting their way. It's appalling. We do need to take back America and Christmas. Down with the ACLU, down with the left, down with the heathens.
At 10:20 AM, December 15, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Wow - keep on preachin' sister. And don't stop till we take it back. All of it.
Suffocating Christianity - Take it Back!
Unspeakably high suicide rate for gays - Take it Back!
The Pledge of Allegiance - Take it Back! (well not too far back. Just back to 1954 when the words under God were added)
Corporeal Shame - Take it Back!
The real Gospel that incited the crusades, upheld slavery, and encouraged the Klan - Take it Back!
All in the Family - Take it Back! (no seriously, TVland should really look into bringing that one back.)
Sense of Superiority among White Christians - Take it Back!
The current "politically correct" society must stop. If you don't like the fact that White Christians run this country, then you can go back to wherever it is you came from. Unless you are Native America, then go back to your designated plot of land that we were nice enough to provide for you.
The simple fact is that we white christians have it all. The money, the power, and the looks. And as long as we have all three we should be able to make the rules. Not the heathens, not the "left," not the self-righteous defenders of civil liberties, not the blacks, and certainly not the illegal Mexicans.
And if you have a problem with that - then you are offensive to me and should shut your mouth.
I want it back. And I am ready to take it back!
At 1:05 PM, December 15, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Nice to know that you too are visited by ignoramuses, P.I.M.
At 5:32 PM, December 15, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Hey guys,
Just wanted to drop a quick note and add some clarification to the preceding argument.
To echo your point, PIM, let's Take it Back. However, if you wouldn't mind, I'd much prefer to Take it Back to 1972. 1975
was still a little bitter for All in the Family because we were still recovering from when Carroll O'Connor went on strike
while trying to renegotiate his contract. I don't know if you remember, but we had to write a 3-part series where he went
missing, in order to deal with his absence...but I digress...
PIM, I think that All in the Family is still funny today; however, it isn't as relevant to today's viewer as it was
in the 1970s. It was relevant then because it was the first show to really provide a harsh light on the stereotypes and
social injustices visible in America at the time. One might even say that it was groundbreaking because of its "shock
value." If you saw the very first episode when it aired on CBS, you might remember the disclaimer that ran stating, "The
program you are about to see is All In The Family. It seeks to throw a humorous spotlight on our frailties, prejudices, and
concerns. By making them a source of laughter we hope to show, in a mature fashion, just how absurd they are."
While the comedy was good, the underlying message was what we hoped would get across. In many of the episodes, you may have
noticed that Archie's arguments generally failed as a result of his own ignorance and stupidity. We tried to make Archie
somewhat "lovable" in order to allow American audiences to connect and see part of themselves within Archie. You may know
that the show was based on the British series Til Death Us Do Part. In that show, Alf Garnett, Archie's counterpart,
was not nearly as "lovable," a character trait that we felt would have impeded the social message of All in the Family.
The whole show was basically designed to be character-driven. The lack of elaborate sets was an attempt to focus the show on
the message, not the location. In fact, we tried to film the show in B&W, but the execs over at CBS forced us into color.
Our response was to design the set in as neutral tones as possible in order to focus viewers on the message. We even went so
far as to hire a staff member solely responsible for ensuring the accuracy and appropriateness of the social messages we were
conveying in the show.
One might say that we were using comedy as the vehicle
to convey a greater social message...a message that still needs to be heard today. I truly believe in social progress, as
illustrated by my position on the Board of People for the American Way. My latest
endeavor, The Norman Lear Center at the USC Annenberg School for Communication, is
devoted to the use of entertainment as a force in contemporary culture...precisely what we were trying to accomplish with All
in the Family. I urge you to take a look at 2 reports published by the Lear Center on related topics. First,
href="http://www.learcenter.org/pdf/MCD.pdf"> Changing channels: Entertainment Television, Civic Attitudes, and Actions
(PDF)......and the second, entitled How Pro-Social Messages Make Their
Way Into Entertainment Programming (PDF). After reading these reports, I hope you see that the conveyance of social
messages is an important civic responsibility of the entertainment industry...one which can be very successful. Do you
remember the episode of Happy Days where Fonzie got his library card? For quite a while after the first airing of
that episode, libraries around the country reported a record-rise in requests for new library cards.
Also, Mr. Stanz, I appreciate your passion for bringing back All in the Family. You'll be happy to know that TV Land does
run Family at 5pm and 1am EST. However, we are campaigning to move over to Nick at Nite (better ratings), or at least get a
better time slot. If you'd be so kind as to write a letter to Herb Scannell
over at MTV Networks Group, I'd really appreciate it. You can reach him via snail mail at:
1515 Broadway
New York, NY 10036
or call:
TV Land Viewer Services: (212) 846-7579
Main Line: (212) 258-7500
You can also pick up All in the Family Seasons 1 - 5 on DVD from Amazon.com.
href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/stores/series/-/9304/dvd/ref=pd_serl_dvd/102-2971262-7417727">Check it out
At 5:40 PM, December 15, 2005,
Anonymous said…
...sorry about reposting...all these computers. Apparently, I'm already taking it back to 1972.
Hey guys,
Just wanted to drop a quick note and add some clarification to the preceding argument.
To echo your point, PIM, let's Take it Back. However, if you wouldn't mind, I'd much prefer to Take it Back to 1972. 1975 was still a little bitter for All in the Family because we were still recovering from when Carroll O'Connor went on strike while trying to renegotiate his contract. I don't know if you remember, but we had to write a 3-part series where he went missing, in order to deal with his absence...but I digress...
PIM, I think that All in the Family is still funny today; however, it isn't as relevant to today's viewer as it was in the 1970s. It was relevant then because it was the first show to really provide a harsh light on the stereotypes and social injustices visible in America at the time. One might even say that it was groundbreaking because of its "shock value." If you saw the very first episode when it aired on CBS, you might remember the disclaimer that ran stating, "The program you are about to see is All In The Family. It seeks to throw a humorous spotlight on our frailties, prejudices, and concerns. By making them a source of laughter we hope to show, in a mature fashion, just how absurd they are."
While the comedy was good, the underlying message was what we hoped would get across. In many of the episodes, you may have noticed that Archie's arguments generally failed as a result of his own ignorance and stupidity. We tried to make Archie somewhat "lovable" in order to allow American audiences to connect and see part of themselves within Archie. You may know that the show was based on the British series Til Death Us Do Part. In that show, Alf Garnett, Archie's counterpart, was not nearly as "lovable," a character trait that we felt would have impeded the social message of All in the Family.
The whole show was basically designed to be character-driven. The lack of elaborate sets was an attempt to focus the show on the message, not the location. In fact, we tried to film the show in B&W, but the execs over at CBS forced us into color.
Our response was to design the set in as neutral tones as possible in order to focus viewers on the message. We even went so far as to hire a staff member solely responsible for ensuring the accuracy and appropriateness of the social messages we were conveying in the show.
One might say that we were using comedy as the vehicle to convey a greater social message...a message that still needs to be heard today. I truly believe in social progress, as illustrated by my position on the Board of People for the American Way. My latest endeavor, The Norman Lear Center at the USC Annenberg School for Communication, is devoted to the use of entertainment as a force in contemporary culture...precisely what we were trying to accomplish with All in the Family. I urge you to take a look at 2 reports published by the Lear Center on related topics. First, Changing channels: Entertainment Television, Civic Attitudes, and Actions (PDF)......and the second, entitled How Pro-Social Messages Make Their Way Into Entertainment Programming (PDF). After reading these reports, I hope you see that the conveyance of social messages is an important civic responsibility of the entertainment industry...one which can be very successful. Do you remember the episode of Happy Days where Fonzie got his library card? For quite a while after the first airing of that episode, libraries around the country reported a record-rise in requests for new library cards.
Also, Mr. Stanz, I appreciate your passion for bringing back All in the Family. You'll be happy to know that TV Land does run Family at 5pm and 1am EST. However, we are campaigning to move over to Nick at Nite (better ratings), or at least get a better time slot. If you'd be so kind as to write a letter to Herb Scannell over at MTV Networks Group, I'd really appreciate it. You can reach him via snail mail at:
1515 Broadway
New York, NY 10036
or call:
TV Land Viewer Services: (212) 846-7579
Main Line: (212) 258-7500
You can also pick up All in the Family Seasons 1 - 5 on DVD from Amazon.com. Check it out here...
At 7:07 PM, December 15, 2005,
P.I. Mom said…
Lear...I think you may have missed the point.
At 10:41 PM, February 01, 2006,
Anonymous said…
I'm glad you enjoyed 1975 so much, however it is 2006. I'm concerned because you mention the Bible yet it is very obvious that you are angry and a hater. You said you take the Bible literally but I seem to remember Jesus saying that the 2 greatest laws are to "have not other Gods before him and Love thy neighbor" You seem to be saying that you should only love those that are exactly like you and pass judgement on those that have different opinions. People like you actually turn others away from Christianity. Just remember that Jesus was killed because because the leaders of the church thought he was blasphemous and didn't like what he was saying. Will you judge and persecute those around you the same way they judged and persecuted Jesus? I feel badly for your children learning these lessons of hate from you. Jesus was so loving and had great lessons to teach.
At 11:17 PM, February 01, 2006,
P.I. Mom said…
Jesus was a no-nonsense guy who called the kettle black. Get over yourself buddy. Buying into the peace love crap has been the downfall of this world. It's time to stand up for what's RIGHT - not what's NICE.
At 6:28 PM, March 31, 2006,
Anonymous said…
How can you even say that "buying into the peace love crap has been the downfall of this world? That is what JESUS TAUGHT US!!!What kind of church do you go to? You're not preaching the word of God!
At 9:34 PM, March 31, 2006,
P.I. Mom said…
The Word of God - assuming you believe it's literally TRUE - tells us that being politically correct is WRONG. Jesus didn't coddle people and worry about hurting feelings. He spoke the TRUTH. Get over yourself and get a King James Version.
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