The Politically Incorrect Mom


Saturday, January 21, 2006

Sailing Away

I'm taking my kids on vacation.
Not just because I worked 14 hour days for the last 6 weeks of the year. Not just because I want to spend some much deserved time with my kids. And not just because I've had the week from hell, which included having to fire some very nice people.

Mostly just because I can. Because, by the grace of God, we are still living in a free country where I am relatively safe and free to go about the things I love with the people I love.

Sorry if that disturbs you...well, no...I'm not really sorry.

At any rate - you won't have me to kick around this week, so I recommend A.M. Siriano. He loves to be kicked and is pretty good at kicking back.

Have a beautiful, blessed week and I'll catch up with you all after I've soaked up a little sunshine.

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