The Politically Incorrect Mom


Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Take a Stand Against The ACLU

To my fellow conservative bloggers -
We all talk a lot about the ACLU and their agenda to destroy the American family. Here's an opportunity to voice your concerns to the government in an organized manner.

The Center for Reclaiming America calls for "a stand against the ACLU's radical agenda, which undermines our nation's moral and religious heritage."

Their petition, which already has more than 160,000 signatures, urges Congress to pass a bill that would curb the ACLU by denying plaintiff attorneys the right to collect attorneys fees in lawsuits targeting religion in the public square.

If you have not signed the petition yet, do it today. It only takes a moment or two. The target date for submitting the petition is the end of the month.

The petition reads:
As a concerned citizen, I am taking a stand against the ACLU's radical agenda, which undermines our nation's moral and religious heritage. I join with citizens across the nation in protest of ACLU policies and actions to strip faith in God from the public square while promoting anti-family and pro-homosexual initiatives. I am calling on leaders in government and media to tell the truth about the ACLU's radical agenda. Furthermore, I demand lawmakers take the necessary steps to eliminate the monetary motives behind the ACLU's campaign to remove all mention of God from the public square. The ACLU does not represent me nor the vast majority of American citizens.

Stand up and be counted.


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