The Politically Incorrect Mom


Friday, October 21, 2005

"Dreamer" ...A Pleasant Surprise

I was surprised, once again, this evening to find myself viewing another family movie that I really liked. “Dreamer”, (trailer) with Dakota Fanning, Kurt Russell and Kris Kristofferson is going on my list of best movies of this year. Rarely these days do I view a movie during which the audience actually cheers…even once. During this movie – it happened twice.

Dakota Fanning is a real charmer, as usual, and the story is a real heart-warmer. Of course it doesn’t hurt that we’re “horse people”. My daughter’s first crush was on a Shetland named Sugar.

A girl and her horse….it’s a beautiful thing.

Go see this movie. Take your kids. It’s one of the few of late that isn’t a waste of money.


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